Mallam Nuhu Mohammed

Photo source: USAID

Community Drug Distributor, Bassa Local Government Authority (LGA), Plateau State

Mallam Nuhu Mohammed has been a community drug distributor (CDD) for the onchocerciasis, lymphatic filariasis, schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminth programs in Bassa Local Government Authority (LGA) in the state of Plateau since 1992. His commitment and loyalty have been exemplary. His personal sacrifice, evidenced through his commitment of his own personal resources to produce dosing poles, is very commendable.

Mallan Nuhu Mohammed is meticulous in his record keeping. In fact, treatment data for his area of coverage for the past 10 years are still available and in good form. These attributes have been noticed by the Local Government Authority that has employed him as a staff member at one of its health facilities.

People such as Mallan Nuhu Mohammed, through their example to the community despite having many competing work and personal priorities, are essential to the effectiveness of Nigeria’s neglected tropical diseases (NTD) control program.