

USAID’s Bureau for Global Health, Office of Infectious Disease, Neglected Tropical Diseases Division is pleased to announce the award of the Control and Elimination Program for Neglected Tropical Diseases (CEP-NTD), Element Two. CEP-NTD builds on the successes that have been achieved through previous Agency investments to expand and strengthen national integrated NTD programs to achieve the WHO 2020 NTD goals. This new five-year award is intended to support disease-endemic countries to control and/or eliminate NTDs with proven, cost-effective public health interventions to treat and measure treatment impact against seven NTDs: lymphatic filariasis, blinding trachoma, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, and three intestinal worms known as soil-transmitted helminths. In addition to continued support toward global disease elimination and control goals, CEP NTD will focus on helping countries on their journey to self-reliance by supporting them to integrate NTD programs into the broader national health systems and to strengthen technical, operation and financial capacity to operate NTD programs without U.S. foreign assistance funding. The Agency will continue to ensure that these investments coordinate with current investments from other donors, the pharmaceutical sector, and cross-cutting sectors.

This cooperative agreement has been awarded to RTI with a $300 million ceiling.  RTI has arranged a diverse consortium of partners to implement the objectives of CEP-NTD, including: The Carter Center, The Fred Hollows Foundation, IMA World Health, Light for the World, Results for Development, Sightsavers, Save the Children, WI-HER. This centrally managed agreement will support Bangladesh, DRC, Ethiopia, Haiti, Indonesia, Laos, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Philippines, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam.