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Request for Information and Pre-Notification of Funding Opportunity Conference

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) invites organizations with experience and interest in neglected tropical diseases (NTD) operational research to attend a pre-notification of funding opportunity (NOFO) virtual conference to take place March 14-15, 2023.

Graphic says "March 14-15 Industry day for operational research in neglected tropical diseases. Learn more:" On the right side is a woman in Togo being measured up against a dose pole to help determine the proper dosage of medicine to be given during a treatment campaign to prevent NTDs.

In Togo, health workers conducted a mass drug administration with the help of a dose pole. A dose pole is used to help determine the dosage of medicines to give in this case to help prevent one of more neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Credit: USAID’s Act to End NTDs | West program

USAID is seeking information regarding recipient(s) or coalition to support operational research implementation and management worldwide. The activity under design is intended to provide technical assistance, capacity building, global technical leadership, research management and support for development and evaluation of new diagnostics and surveillance platforms and address operational and social challenges of NTD implementation while leveraging the private sector and national health systems where appropriate. There is no eligibility restrictions, so U.S. and non-U.S. organizations may participate in the pre-NOFO conference. Interested organizations MUST pre-register and are limited to registering a maximum of two people per organization to attend the pre-NOFO conference which will be highly technical in content. Please pre-register by sending the organization’s name, name(s) of attendees, and email address(es) to Please include “RSVP PRE-NOFO ENDOR CONFERENCE” in the Subject Line.

Attachment 1 [available on] to this announcement is a draft Program Description (PD) for the anticipated award, for which USAID is seeking input and feedback. If possible, please provide emailed responses specific to the questions in Attachment 2 as well as any questions and/or comments to the PD. All questions/responses must be sent to by Friday, March 10, 2023 at 5pm EST. Please include “ENDOR PD COMMENT” in the Subject Line. Responses from questions posed to USAID will be posted publicly after the pre-NOFO conference in March 2023 on

Meeting details and virtual connection information will be emailed to those who pre-register. If individuals need to call-in by phone rather than connect by virtual platform, please note this on your pre-registration RSVP email so that additional information can be provided when meeting details are sent. Attachment 3 to this announcement is also a draft agenda for the pre-NOFO conference, a final agenda will be provided when final meeting details are sent. For any other questions, contact by indicating QUESTION: ENDOR PRE-NOFO CONFERENCE in the Subject Line.

This RFI and pre-NOFO conference is solely for information, research, and planning purposes and does not constitute a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Responding to this RFI and/or attending the pre-NOFO conference does not give any advantage to or preclude any organization or individual in any subsequently issued NOFO. Any future development activities related to this activity will be announced separately on This RFI and the subsequent pre-NOFO conference does not represent any award commitment on the part of the U.S. Government, nor does it obligate the U.S. Government to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of any responses. Information received as part of this RFI shall become the property of USAID. Therefore, proprietary information that cannot be shared should not be sent. While verbatim responses will not be shared publicly, any submitted information may be included in a publicly available high-level summary of the RFI results, or in other public presentations or documents.

Thank you for your interest in USAID programs.

See additional information at the full posting on